Los Angeles loves a good brush fire - it's kind of a love/hate thing. Everyone hates getting their house burnt down, but at the same time the majority of people - the ones not in any danger of having their homes burnt down - get all excited and rush to watch the plentiful news coverage. This year promises to be an active one if sparks are provided... Like in the case of the two teenage firebugs from Illinois who caused the March 30th fire on the Valley side of the Hollywood Hills...
It's the first time that I've noticed everyone with a digital camera taking photos and immediately emailing them to everyone in their address book or posting to a blog... I can't say I'm not guilty of taking photos of fires - there's something mesmerizing and primal about the cloud of smoke. This is a composite I put together from cell phone snaps - one floor below the location Kevin took his from. [Friday Fire In L.A.]

Very dramatic.
same thing w/ car chases and police standoffs. several years ago there was a pager service that would actually alert those in the LA area when the news caught onto a chase. going to be a real bad year though. not something I'm looking forward to.
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