Wednesday, September 03, 2008

RNC: Village Mob in the Schoolyard

Driving home from work the radio was on and Rudy was whipping up the crowd into a frenzy - I didn't realize it was him at first... And now, sitting on the couch and watching [Sarah]Palin give her speech via C-SPAN I have the same impression I instantly got in the car. The Republicans have taken on an diametrically opposed character to that of the Democrats.

Watching this, it seems like a bizarre hybrid between the despicable girl in junior high running for president of the class and an ugly village mob.
They're stupid and ugly, so you should never vote for them!
They smell and look funny! They're probably
foreign... I'm smart and pretty and proper.
No substance, no facts - just pointing and making fun of the opponent.

The crowd, taken in, laughs at every joke regardless of whether it's utter nonsense. Whipped into a frenzy, group think is in full force - with pitchforks and torches they would gladly burn the farmhouse of the only doctor within a hundred miles because he's been fingered as a witch... You know, with his scientific method and all, trying to cure the plague... Which after all, is going against God's will.

It's rather fascinating that the two parties are trying to present opposing images of what America was, is and could be. Unfortunately, if one wipes the lipstick that's been slathered on each pig, it doesn't take too much rubbing to see that there's still a porker beneath.

And again, another election cycle will pass with the American people being hoodwinked into putting their hard earned capitol into swampland development - assured that it will make them money for nothing in no time at all... They will only enrich the robber barons.

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