He's about ten yards ahead of me and seems somewhat twitchy - looking around as if someone were following him. I chuckle to myself wondering if he thinks I'm following him since we are heading in the same direction... Suddenly he stops, looks around for a few seconds and cuts to his right between parked cars. Does he really think I'm tailing him?...
I about five feet behind him at this point - I notice him fidgeting with something in his hand. Is he hallucinating that I'm a deceitful troll following with nefareous intentions and preparing to stab me with a magical object?... Am I the paranoid one now?
He fiddles with something in his hand some more - I realize it's just keys! Quickly he scrapes the car he's standing next to - a nondescript gray Ford Mustang with no visible stickers or decals - once, a long swipe the length of the passenger door and one shorter swipe at the back fender. I can hear a loud screech - the scrape definitely went through the paint. The fellow doesn't look around and just keeps walking with a bit of a satisfied gait in his step.
I'm stunned for half a second. It seems so totally random - he could of just as well dropped his pants and shat next to the Mustang - it would have made just about as much sense in this context.
I was tempted to catch up to him and ask just what the reason was for keying that particular car - was it vengeance for a parking spot stolen from under his nose? Does he hate new Ford Mustangs? Did voice in his head command him to do it? I thought better of it and instead followed him across the street and for another half block till I entered the air-conditioned, security guard monitored [with locked down elevators] cocoon of my place of employment.
"Lots of fucking weirdos roaming the streets", I thought to myself as the elevator took me to my second floor office...
Someday, when Mr Red T-shirt comes back with one hundred of his best friends, you may be very grateful for those locked down elevators.
I am grateful for the locked down elevators every time ukulele/Da Vinci Code woman walks up the ramp to the building! I love the secured elevators almost as much as the light dimmer switch in my office.
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