Sunday, December 23, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
He Made Me America!

It's a very clever website with plenty of opportunities for YOU to interact.
- Submit a video of you reading of a portion of the book!
- Submit photos of your sightings of the book!
- Sign the petition to get Stephen Colbert on Oprah's book club list!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Peculiar Product - Toxic Waste [candy]

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Sparklets vs. Arrowhead

Saturday, September 01, 2007
Ingrid Newkirk of PETA on behalf of bullies?!?
Ingrid Newkirk of PETA on behalf of bullies?!? Are you kidding?
Posted: Sep 1, 2007 2:51 AM (271 of 272)
I am shocked that out of all people possible you picked Ingrid Newkirk of PETA to speak on the Vick/dogfighting topic - in the eyes of rescuers and those that are the boots on the ground trying to give a second chance to these most abused, abandoned, slandered and misunderstood dogs, Ingrid Newkirk and PETA are no real friends.
As far as I am aware, PETA SUPPORTS BREED SPECIFIC LEGISLATION (BSL) targeted at criminalizing the ownership of all dogs perceived as "pit bulls". The statement on their website does not address the fact that BSL will only drive the fighters and breeders underground and make it impossible for new adoptions to responsible and loving homes. BSL rarely (if ever) "grandfathers" in existing dogs. If as PETA states they support BSL just for the spay/neuter component, then why not work to put a law into effect for ALL breeds (with mandatory registration of breeders and those who do not alter their dogs for breeding)?
PETA has never been at the forefront of finding homes for discarded bullies or speaking up in their defense. Now that there's attention to be gained from the Michael Vick media frenzy it seems that they're trying to elbow past all the people that have been doing the real work... Where has Ms. Newkirk been for bullies before now?... Speaking against "the breed" is most likely where.
Using the PETA BSL logic, all the bullies rescued from New Orleans (and there were many, some of which made it on the news as poster dogs for the rescue efforts) should not be accepted into foster homes in other cities and would have to be euthanized regardless of temperament, age or anything.
Perhaps PETA should stick to their more lucrative mainstays of fundraising, like naked movie stars in fur stores, and not try to leech publicity and money from those that have put in years of work at no personal profit in order to really advocate for bullies and their rescue.
If I am somehow wrong, how about having a discussion about this on your show at some point and challenging the allegations? Here are some from Diane Jessup. Though her allegations are pretty strong, they don't seem to be too off the mark.
I must say that I have been pleasantly surprised by the ASPCA and the great efforts they have gone to explaining the realities of bullies and now are actually doing something to help the dogs seized from Michael Vick's farm instead of trying to capitalize on his "repentance". I was wondering if Ms. Newkirk head heard the same lame Larry King Lite contrition that I heard coming out of Vick's mouth.
I believe that you, Mr. Maher, are indeed able and willing to give bullies a fair chance, so why not have a true advocate for their cause on your show?
ASPCA Elaborates on Pit Bull Evaluations - Announces Bad Rap as Partner
Diana Nyad - Vick Off the Mark
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Hearse & Funeral Collections - Not That Weird
Penis Museum Duration: 00:06:00
"It's one of a kind -- the Phallological Museum in Iceland. But still, the world's only penis museum has not yet managed to secure even one of a specimen of which there are billions. There is no human phallus on display... despite the wishes of Sigurdur Hjartarson. He's the curator of the Icelandic Phallological Museum and we reached him in Husavik, Iceland."
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Pass the Bonaduce on the Left Hand Side
My sighting is a simple one. Pushing a cart out of Trader Joe's at LaBrea and Third I almost ran smack into Danny Bonaduce as he got off his Harley motorcycle. He stared at me, smiled and nodded his head in recognition. Not sure why, it's not like I was winding up to say something to him... But I s'pose that's good manners on his part and I gave him a nod back. Seemed a pleasant enough fellow as he walked by - though I do wonder what he was going into Trader Joe's for.
I know - this would be much better if I'd taken a photo of his motorcycle...
[Sorry for the lame title, but it amuses me. I'm sure some of you will get the cultural reference.]
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Mummy Congress

A great book for those that like non-fiction and/or mummies. Read my review at the Night~Doings [News & Reviews] blog.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Evacuation Drill

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Note To Self RE: Amarillo
[Details to follow...]
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Edgy LA
First the good. There was this comment which was very informative and provided excellent links to the answer for the architectural question... Also, there were some pretty good general comments of support in opposition to the idiocy.
Now the irritating. I get to the end and find this vacuous bit of babble.
u dummies. antis answer was actually a cleverly written play on the in yr face, cheap pop-art influenced architecture that loren k asks about. living in LA is about having a killer attitude. its in the rawkstar faces and spicy corn and strong ass smoke. yr supposed to be a city full of assholes. if u wanna be "nice" go back to indiana.
[15] Posted by: guest | July 8, 2007 7:09 PM
There are those out there - not just in Los Angeles, every city has them - that are all so cozy in their smarmy smugness of savant pronouncements upon the truth. They know everything and are the final judges about what's hip. If they say something idiotic then they play it off as being contrarian - ducking for cover under the "on purpose idiot" defense. [Don't you get it?!? My stupidity was for the benefit of stimulating your thought! You're stupid for not getting it!] So what are the particulars in this case that irritated me?
- The lame, can't be bothered to write or spell English correctly "leading edge" formatting that says, "I'm one of the new wave! I'll catch you on the flip side with my Blackberry!" If one can't be bothered to formulate thoughts cogently about something, they should reconsider whether their thoughts are worth expressing in the first place.
- Not knowing what the hell they're talking about - the question is clearly not about something "pop-art influenced", but throwing "pop-art" without knowing what "pop-art" is/was will add hipster gravitas... It's just like name dropping at a party and equally as lame.
- The pronouncement of authority on what "LA" is - which reads to me like it was written by a rodent who got their cultural reference of Los Angeles from watching reality TV and other image marketing campaigns of what Los Angeles is supposed to be in order to market the image so they can sell a product or simply re-sell the image.
- The last fragment, "yr supposed to be a city full of assholes" is not inclusive of the poster, indicating that after all the bullshit, they do not consider themselves to be an Angeleno... and thus achieving closure of their circle of ignorance.
Friday, July 06, 2007
After Midnight Walkies
Tonight, for example - four houses north, on the other side of the street. I head out the door with Hazel and there are headlights, stationary. It's about 00:30. The car makes it's way past us and turns onto the main street... As we walk past the spot we hear some talking. At the head of the driveway across from us is a girl (woman?) crumpled on the concrete and she's just puked - there's a puddle glistening in the moonlight beneath her chin. What appears to be her mother is saying, "Don't worry about it and come inside. I don't want you to get your hands in it." The crumpled person mumbles something about being sorry and then retches again. Hazel just stands and stares - she's annoyed at the unseemliness of the spectacle. From the silhouettes we assume that this is either either a teen aged daughter or one of college age - she's wearing a sweatshirt and jeans... Out of school on summer break and perhaps catching up with some chums... who drop her off on the curb in a debased state of drunkenness. I think to say something just to reassure Hazel, who is standing still and staring - ears pricked up, eyebrows switching back and forth in an up and down fashion - bewildered by the behaviour - but I don't... Best not embarrass the neighbours more than need be (I've never talked to them, nor have I, if seldom, ever actually seen them) - what if it's a medical condition and she was out for a wholesome, stimulating game of Scrabble? Perhaps she's just had an epileptic fit?... We walk off into the night. There's a cat somewhere down the street that needs motivation to move off the sidewalk.
Some months ago, again with Hazel, we rounded the corner from our block onto a slightly larger street. A newly refurbished apartment building is across - just done up in anticipation of higher rental rates during this time of shortage in suitable living space. Just having done a bit of sniffing, we are both startled by the call of "JOHNNY! Johnny, I RUV YOU!" Indeed, a woman is in the street and shouting this. Is it inebriation? Is it the dementia of love sickness? Who knows - but our pleasant walk has been disturbed by screams for Johnny... Who the hell is this Johnny? Why, if indeed he is home does he not be a responsible citizen and come out and face this woman and spare the rest of his neighbours the sounds of her shrieks? Loud shrieks followed by what appears to be Korean mumbling... The only intelligible parts being, "JOHNNY! Johnny, I RUV YOU!"... A woman scorned and insulted is not a pleasant thing after midnight. On our way back we notice that there's now a man leaning against a car trying to calm the woman. He wears a very nice suit and is well manicured - something reminiscent of a John Woo film. He is clearly not Johnny as the woman still looks up periodically and screams for Johnny. Hazel looks across the street and then back at me - all I can do is shrug my shoulders and whisper to her, "crazy people". We round the corner, back to the peace of our own block.
Klaus is much more preoccupied with his sniffing duties - nose to the ground, cataloging what might have traversed through the neighbourhood. When we come upon strangers wandering the night, he gives them the EYE... Stares over his shoulder at them till he is assured that they are walking away. Then, with ease and nonchalance, he turns back to what he was previously doing and I can almost hear him say, "I thought not. Punk ass bitch..."
All in all, things are pretty quiet at night and it's calm. Being in a neighbourhood where there are lot of neighbours with dogs, who like to walk them, as we've found out while walking during the day - we do not much appreciate being barked at by other's dogs, especially when we are minding our own business. Generally the behaviour of others is undignified.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Rick's Burgers - Pasadena

I don't know how Rick's Drive-In came to mind this year. Maybe it was a discussion between me and Tomme about where to take the dogs for a drive... I googled Rick's and discovered that it's going to be shut down for the same reason as a lot of places in the Los Angeles area - land prices are at an all time high and most old places are being put out of business for "redevelopment", which generally means one of two things... A new building that will make far more money for the owner (mixed-use high density is really fashionable now) or terrible boutiques and franchise places. Since learning of the imminent demise we've been trying to make it out there whenever possible for a Sunday drive. The dogs enjoy it and it tastes good.
I discovered the clips below on YouTube...
Someone's home movies of the spud... somewhat goofy narration, but you get to see the spud.
Rick's Drive-in - "The Spuderito" Part I
Rick's Drive-in - "The Spuderito" Part II
This is something that was filmed at Rick's... You might recognize the folks behind the counter if you're a Rick's frequenter.
Silent Drums (excerpt)
Monday, June 11, 2007
Bad cop, no doughnut...
Friday, June 01, 2007
Songs Appropriated - Pogues' Sunnyside of the Street
Watch Cadillac - Morning Ritual
Read the lyrics:
Seen the carnival at Rome
Had the women I had the booze
All I can remember now
Is little kids without no shoes
So I saw that train
And I got on it
With a heartful of hate
And a lust for vomit
Now I'm walking on the sunnyside of the street
Stepped over bodies in Bombay
Tried to make it to the U.S.A.
Ended up in Nepal
Up on the roof with nothing at all
And I knew that day
I was going to stay
Right where I am, on the sunnyside of the street
Been in a palace, been in a jail
I just don't want to be reborn a snail
Just want to spend eternity
Right where I am, on the sunnyside of the street
As my mother wept it was then I swore
To take my life as I would a whore
I know I'm better than before
I will not be reconstructed
Just wanna stay right here
On the sunnyside of the street
copyright 1990; Shane MacGowan & Jem Finer
S.MacGowan - vocals / S.Stacy - whistle / J.Finer - Banjo, lap steel / T.Woods - mandolin / P.Chevron - acc. gtr. / J.Fearnley - accordion / D.Hunt - bass / A.Ranken - drums / B.voc: D.Hunt
Purchase the Pogues' music or get out your old LPs or cassette tapes and have a listen - LOUD! It's great stuff!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Dope Dental Bling
I'm sitting there trying to distract myself with some sort of thoughts and suddenly it comes to me. I'd heard something a week or so ago about the "posse" being yesterdays news and a sign of worn out has been-somebodies... Perhaps that's because the posse doesn't contain outlandishly useful persons distinguished from other posses... and I have the perfect thing. Prove yourself wealthy and an individual of means... So decadent, yet prudent and smart.... Get yourself a personal flosser!
Now, for one that is really flaunting the wealth, having a straight flosser in the posse is the ultimate. Someone that does nothing but carry dental floss in their pocket and gives the old pearlies a good flossing after every meal, every snack and sometimes just or the hell of it. Now, for those more practical, a personal dental hygienist on hand with a satchel of picks as well as floss and perhaps a battery operated polisher is the way to go...
Think about it - it might just be the way to show off your wealth, power and sense of self worth.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Life In Los Angeles - Clownwhig Man
Monday, April 09, 2007
Irritating TV - House & orifices...
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Los Angeles loves a good FIRE!

A Dirty Job: A Novel

by Christopher Moore - 2006, William Morrow]
Charlie hadn't really counted on killing a guy that morning. He had hoped to get some twenties for the register at the thrift store, check his balance, and maybe pick up some yellow mustard at the deli. (Charlie was not a brown mustard kind of guy. Brown mustard was the condiment equivalent of skydiving - it was okay for racecar drivers and serial killers, but for Charlie, a fine line of French's yellow was all the spice that life required) [...]
If this brief, yet masterful parable isn't enough to convince you of Moore's prowess with words and truth, here's another example - a description of a 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham.
The 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham was the perfect show-off of death machines. It consisted of nearly three tons of steel stamped into a massively mawed, high-tailed beast lined with enough chrome to build a Terminator and still have parts left over - most of it in long, sharp strips that peeled off on impact and became lethal scythes to flay away pedestrian flesh. Under the four headlights it sported two chrome bumper bullets that looked like unexploded torpedoes or triple-G-cup Madonna death boobs. It had a noncollapsible steering column that would impale the driver upon any serious impact, electric windows that could pinch off a kid's head, no seat belts, and a 325 horsepower V8 with such appallingly bad fuel efficiency that you could hear it trying to slurp liquefied dinosaurs out of the ground when it passed. It had a top speed of a hundred and ten miles an hour, mushy, bargelike suspension that could in no way stabilize the car at that speed, and undersized power brakes that wouldn't stop it either. The fins jutting from the back were so high and sharp that the car was a lethal threat to pedestrians even when parked, and the whole package sat on tall, whitewall tires that looked, and generally handled, like oversized powdered doughnuts. Detroit couldn't have achieved more deadly finned ostentatia if they'd covered a killer whale in rhinestones. It was a masterpiece.
A Dirty Job is a perfect gift for someone you know who drives a hearse and loves to read - I know because I do both.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
They called a Pillow Fight...

However the Grove got the word, they took it pretty seriously, treating the potential "threat" as they might a terrorist attack on their Sunday money earning potential. I counted at least three LAPD uniformed officers, several of the white shirt Grove security (with forest ranger hats), two goofy looking dudes that seemed to have walked off the adjacent CBS lot having finished shooting some cop show... They were bald, goateed with dark suits and sunglasses... As if that weren't sufficient, there were some gray shirted fellows from the Farmers Market security, a couple of "undercover" Grove security guys in shorts and T-shirts... and some sort of official Grove executive type that had a name tag on. Anyone showing up would not have known to take the back way to the Abercrombie & Fitch clock tower so they would have to run the gauntlet from the west end of the Grove or come out of the parking structure.
I spotted a few people that looked like they were there for the event. A few with pillows in shopping bags made it to the spot only t be immediately rousted, but not cuffed like Mr. PJs. One genius actually walked up to a security guard and asked what the deal was with the pillow fight and that he was there to cover it for a blog... Way to go, stealthblogger...
Everything seemed to wind down in about half an hour and I assume that most people called their compatriots and spread the word of impending doom for anyone showing up with a pillow... Another typical Los Angeles style fizzle.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Look at thinkle, on the go...

The sign on the back of this vehicle caught my eye... Why would someone need mobile urinalysis? Is it for the sick that are bedridden and require frequent testing for toxins? The website seems to be bare bones and has a bit about knowing for sure about loved ones... Do these people show up at homes and tackle a teen forcing them to tinkle in a cup under their watchful eye - quickly going to the back of their Ford Escape (kind of ironic choice of makes...) and return with a highly scientific analysis?... It doesn't surprise me that there would be a market for something like this as there are plenty of places where demand is on the rise - schools, businesses, etc... Would you submit to an impromptu "test" especially if you knew that nothing to turn up that is illegal or questionable - is it any ones business what is in your body even if there's nothing there save for the necessary elements to sustain life? Think about it as it may come up sooner or later.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Peculiar Product - Candy Inhaler?!?